måndag 1 juli 2024

Tag and polaroïd card by @nefer98


Hello, Bonjour, my lovely Crafty Friends !

Welcome to you here on hÄnglar & Wings !


My creative guest for this month of July will be Sylvie @nefert98.
 I let her introduce herself:
" Je m'appelle Sylvie Collet, je vis en France à Sospel dans les Alpes Maritimes,
 à 20-25 km de Monaco. J'ai commencé la carterie en 2007, en réalisant mes
 cartes de vœux. Je me suis orientée logiquement vers le mixed-media, j'adore
 jouer avec mes encres, mes tampons, mes stencils et mediums.
Chez moi j'ai une pièce entièrement dédiée au scrap, et j'y passe beaucoup 
de temps. J'aime tester toutes les techniques et produits.
J'ai fait partie de différentes DT, et je gère un forum depuis de nombreuses années.
Vous me retrouverez sur Instagram sous le pseudo de Nefert98.
 Et sur Facebook sous mon vrai nom.
J'espère que mes créations avec les beaux tampons de la marque
 Hanglar & Wings vous plairont, j'ai pris plaisir à les réaliser.

My name is Sylvie Collet, I live in France in Sospel in the Alpes Maritimes, 
20-25 km from Monaco. I started cardmaking in 2007, making my greeting cards.
I logically turned to mixed-media, I love playing with my inks, stamps, stencils 
and mediums. At home I have a room entirely dedicated to scrapping, and I spend a lot of time
 there. I like to test all the techniques and products.I have been part of different DT, 
and I have been managing a forum for many years. You will find me on 
Instagram under the nickname Nefert98. And on Facebook under my real
name. I hope you like my creations with the beautiful stamps from the
 Hanglar & Wings brand, I enjoyed making them .

  * * *

I made a small Polaroid card to match with my tag.

Here is a tag directly inspired by the stamp sheet "Sitting frogs".
I love these little critters, and I liked these stamps immediately. 
I created a scene using the mixed-media flower board (ball flowers), which is very 
easy to use and which I use as a starting point for the construction of this tag. 
These flowers have been embossed in black to bring more relief, compared to the colors.
3 Magicals powders have been chosen for the base and used with water,
but you can replace them with watercolor paint, Distress inks of your choice.
The frogs were colorized with watercolor paint 
The texts come from the stamp board 
 the wire mesh from plate 
 and the plants on the background from plate 

 I hope you enjoyed her project and

 thank you for stopping by

Hugs from Sylvie ♥ and Sylvie ♥


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