måndag 29 juli 2024

Two mixmedia cards with @nefert98


Hello, Bonjour, my lovely Crafty Friends !

Welcome to you here on hÄnglar & Wings !

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This is the last article from my
 creative guest Sylvie and I thank her very much for
 all the superb creations she has offered us ♥
Today, she presents her new creations : 
two gorgeous mixmedia cards !
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I love the patouille, and I love making my own backgrounds with inks or other mediums.
This time I made two mixed-media cards, a round female version, and a rectangle male version.
These are XXL formats.
I stamped various leaves of the Leaf-trees board on the bottom with Versamark, then hot embossed
with a white powder.
I then applied the Magicals powders that I had sprayed with water with a brush.
To make the basis of the scene, I tore a piece of book page that I crumpled well as an inked paper
matching the chosen colors. They are then glued to the width of the card, at the bottom.
All other stamps will start from these papers.
I layered the elements to bring more volume. 
Material used: 
Leaf-Trees stamps (leaves in the background)
Ball Stalks stamps (Matching Dies)
Relaxing stamps (Characters)
Mother Hen stamps (Wire Mesh)



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 I hope you enjoyed her project and

 thank you for stopping by

Hugs from Sylvie ♥ and Sylvie ♥

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